Diamond High-wear Resistance Tool

What's a Diamond High-wear Resistance Tool

Jigs and tools manufactured using our original diamond processing technology.
And can use three types of diamonds in all shapes: natural diamonds, artificial Monocrystal diamonds, and Polycrystalline diamonds.
The effect sometimes exhibits abrasion resistance that is more than 10 times that of tungsten carbide.
In addition, by utilizing the characteristics of diamond: (1) the hardest in the world, (2) excellent lubricity, (3) inertness, and (4) the highest thermal conductivity, diamond materials are conventionally used.
Even in fields that are not yet covered, various expansions can be expected in the future.

Features of our precision high wear-resistant tool

Diamond processing cannot be done with automatic machine tools alone, so it requires craftsmanship.
In addition, we always integrate with new technology, and interviews with sales staff who have a lot experience in the field can make accurate proposals on the spot.

Using example

Widely used as order made tools and machine parts for various companies

Typical specifications

Delivery result

Several worldwide manufacturers have started using our products.